"The collection starts with a bang – an open letter by AFL goal umpire Chelsea Roffey to the voice of doubt in her head which, not surprisingly, is male. If you have ever watched Roffey behind the goals, poised and precise, and wondered what sort of person she is, here's the answer. She's smart and sassy and ultra-determined, and when she writes the words ring in your ear."
Martin Flanagan, The Age
"Roffey's account of being an élite football official doubles as a sharply funny take on the progress the AFL community has – and hasn't – made in its approach to gender. Employing a sequence of well-aimed one-liners, Roffey gets the sarcasm level just right, a deceptively tricky feat. But she does more than chase laughs, by offering a penetrating personal account of her push into a traditionally male domain."
Patrick Allington,
Australian Book Review
"just read your chapter in #FromTheOuter - what a wit! Loved it! Even sharper than Razor Ray I say."
"Totally loved this book. Chelsea Roffey’s opening chapter is blistering. Amazing stuff."
@dangolding ABC, Triple J